How to Find a Great Microblading Artist Near You
Learn | MLA Staff
How to Find a Great Microblading Artist Near You
Learn | MLA Staff

We love our California clients, but everyday we get comments on Facebook and Instagram from people all over the world asking if we can recommend a nearby microblading artist. We don’t always know someone near you, but in this post, we’ll show you exactly what questions to ask your artist so you can find the perfect microblading person for you. Because they’re your eyebrows and you’re worth it!
1. Can I see photos of your work?
This is priority number one! When you look at their work, try to find someone who matches your hair and skin type. That way you can see exactly what you’re going to get. On our Instagram, we proudly show photos of women of all ethnicities and ages so that our clients can see the work we’ve done in the past and know exactly what they’re getting into. The ink looks different on different skin tones and it’s important that artist knows how to work with YOURS!
2. Can I see healed photos?
Healed photos are photos of the eyebrows after 30 days. 30 days is enough time for some of the ink from the initial procedure to move up through the skin and disappear so that the artist can retouch and make the eyebrows perfect. An artist may not always have healed photos because clients do not necessarily return. Still, if at all possible, ask and see them if you can. (You can see examples of our fully healed brows below)
3. Where did you train?
Training is an essential part of being a glam brow artist. There are constantly new tools and techniques. Part of the joy of being a microblading artist is learning these new tools and techniques. Lindsey Ta trained with some of the best in the world, including David Zhang and Branko Babic and their techniques are incorporated into our all of our work and training at Microblading LA. Wherever your prospective microblading artist trained will reflect in their work (and show up in their Instagram!)
4. How long does the microblading appointment last?
A typical microblading appointment should take 30 to 45 minutes to apply the ink. Any shorter and one cannot do precision, artful work; each line is hand-drawn. Any longer than 45 minutes is also a red flag because if you overwork the skin you can cause damage. Our appointments at Microblading LA last about an hour to an hour and a half total. (You can see a breakdown of a typical microblading appointment here) We spend time talking about the eyebrows with you and drawing the shape, then it takes about 20 minutes for the anesthesia to kick in. Finally, it takes 30 to 45 minutes to create your eyebrows. Ask your prospective artist about the appointment and what to expect. If it sounds like it’s rushed or takes too long, both can be red flags!
Ask questions and decide for yourself.
We hope this helps you find a nearby microblading artist. And if you’re in the Los Angeles area, may we kindly recommend our master artist, Lindsey Ta?
If you found this blog helpful, please share with anyone you know who’s looking for a great microblading artist! We want everyone to have beautiful eyebrows they love.