We're Featured on Madame Noire!
News | MLA Staff
We're Featured on Madame Noire!
News | MLA Staff

Our work was shared on the leading lifestyle website for African-American women. Check it out!
Madame Noire writer Ashley Monaé featured Lindsey Ta's work back in 2016, in her blog "Microblading--Would you try it?" The blog introduced readers to some basic info about microblading and featured three images from our Instagram. You can read the piece here.
Madame Noire is an incredible website with "7.2 unique visitor every month and a daily source of news and inspiration for smart, stylish black women" (Source)--we're proud to be featured there!
Ashley, if you read this blog, send us an email it's brows_at_microbladingla.com. We'll give you a quote! 😉
For Madame Noire readers, we've featured many more African-American women since then... take a look: