Watch Lindsey Ta Create Hairstroke Eyebrows Freehand
Going Viral | MLA Staff
Watch Lindsey Ta Create Hairstroke Eyebrows Freehand
Going Viral | MLA Staff

After our popular Instagram video gained over 120,000 views in a week, we share the full length version. Master microblading artist Lindsey Ta creates full hairstroke eyebrows freehand--no rulers, guides, or outline.
Each hairstroke is drawn on individually, creating shape and fullness in eyebrows. We define the shape with the placement of hairstrokes--this is very close to what microbladed eyebrows would look like (normally we would match the color of the pigment with your natural haircolor).
In microblading, the artist draws on the eyebrows, just like in this video, then traces over the strokes with the microblade, inserting pigment underneath the skin to create eyebrows that last.
Do you like these eyebrows? You can learn microblading from the Microblading LA team! Our premiere Art of Microblading course was designed by Lindsey Ta and taught by MLA-certified instructors. We add new classes every month.
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